Moments & Misadventures :: Cheers of Butterbeers

This week, Brad and I are celebrating 3 years of the wild adventure called marriage. In that time we moved from Utah to Florida, became expert Disneyworld patrons, saw every part of the Space Coast, got evacuated with Hurricane Dorian, moved from Florida to Tennessee in the middle of a pandemic, bought a house, and are now tackling masters degrees. What a ride it has been so far! So in honor of that, allow me to share with you a little of our story.

Brad decided to take a year and move to Utah in order to ski and hike as much as he could in the Rocky Mountains. He never expected running into me and Tessa and how that would change all of our lives. A year and half later, we were right at that point where we were starting to talk about getting married but there was some hesitancy because his job while perfect for a skiing bachelor was not perfect for a family man. After many discouraging applications to other jobs, finally he got a call offering him a position with the Air Force working at Cape Canaveral in Florida.

A few weeks later he took me and Tessa to Grand Teton National Park to propose to both of us. A few months ago I wrote about our first trip to Grand Teton and how everything went wrong- but it became an important place to us because of that and the perfect place to begin this new chapter of our lives. I was holding Tessa when he got down with the ring, and when she saw it she immediately grabbed the ring with a loud ‘Mine!’. Since we had just been throwing rocks in the river we were worried that my ring would end up there too. We finally wrestled the ring out of her little hand and in it’s place Brad gave her a necklace that he had bought for her. Two weeks later, Brad packed up his things to make the trip down to Florida to start his job.

We spent the next few months planning a wedding over the phone and flying back and forth to see each other. He flew in for the wedding the day before then we had one day after the wedding where we went to Park City. But early the next morning we were getting all of my things packed up and Brad was on the road again towards Florida this time caravanning with some family members, boxes of my things, and my dog Scout. Tessa and I flew down a week later to start our new chapter on the Atlantic Coast.

My in-laws said they would watch Tessa one day so Brad and I could have a day together and so we skipped off to enjoy the holiday festivities of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. With butterbeers in hand we made our way around the park, riding all the rides, loving the festive touches they had everywhere, and allowing ourselves the nerdy thrill of being there. We caught the show at the end of the night playing across the Hogwarts castle with music, animation, and a fantastic light display.

This was our third day in Florida and the first of many places around the state that we would explore together. With a great toast of butterbeer we started off a marriage and a new chapter of living on the coast of Florida.

19 responses to “Moments & Misadventures :: Cheers of Butterbeers”

  1. leightontravels Avatar

    Happy anniversary! I’ve enjoyed reading the story of how you met, the proposal and the early days of your marriage. You have been through a lot, and we feel we have been too, due to the pandemic, love of travel and not living in the same place, or even being from the same country. Here’s a toast to your future adventures and to many loving years together!

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you! My friend and her husband have been married for almost 50 years and always says how we should be grateful to have someone that both drives you crazy sometimes but still helps get you through the crazy of life. So glad you have Sladja to get through the crazy with 🙂

  2. Monch Weller Avatar

    Congratulations to both of you, and wishing you more years! 🤵👰

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you! I hope you have a joyous holiday season 🙂

  3. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

    Congratulations to both of you, I really enjoyed reading about how you met and your wedding proposal. How lovely that Brad had a necklace ready for Tessa too. Wishing you many more happy anniversaries.

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you so much Marion for your kind words 🙂 I hope you have a joyous holiday season!

  4. 100 Country Trek Avatar

    Congratulations 👏 🎊 Happy Anniversary. You had wonderful time during your wedding ceremony and your life together. ❤

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you so much! Its been a wild start but I wouldnt change it for anything. 🙂 zI hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. travelling_han Avatar

    Happy Anniversary Meg, Brad and Tessa! 🙂

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season full of love and laughter 🙂

  6. Travels Through My Lens Avatar

    Happy anniversary! 🥂🎊What a wonderful adventure you three have had. Thanks for sharing your story.

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you so much! It’s been a wonderful and crazy beginning for sure 🙂 I hope you have a great week!

  7. The Travel Architect Avatar

    Congrats on your anniversary – what a great story! And I imagine that when she’s older, Tessa will have a grand old time eliciting shocked gasps from her friends when she tells them that her parents left her behind to go to Harry Potter World! 😉

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you! Haha, Im sure she will tell any who will listen about that great injustice 🙂 I hope your England plans are unhindered and that you have a safe and joyous time there!

  8. Tanja Avatar

    Happy 3 years of marriage!

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you so much! I appreciate that 🙂

  9. Clazz - An Orcadian Abroad Avatar

    What a great story! Such a chance meeting too. Congrats on your anniversary!

    1. grandmisadventures Avatar

      Thank you so much! Chance meetings always make for great stories. Wishing you all the best in the new year! 🙂

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